64. Preparation, attempt, etc.

 (1) Whoever makes preparation to contravene any of the provisions of this Act [other than section 13, clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 18, section 18A, clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 19, sub-section (2) of section 44 and sections 57 and 58] or of any rule, direction or order made thereunder and from the circumstances of the case it may be reasonably inferred that if not prevented by circumstances independent of his will, the contravention as aforesaid would have taken place, shall, for the purposes of section 56, be deemed to have contravened that provision, rule, direction or order, as the case may be..(2) Whoever attempts to contravene, or abets any contravention of, any of the provisions of this act [other than section 13, clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 18, section 18A, clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 19, sub-section (2) of section 44 and sections 57 and 58] or of any rule, direction or order made thereunder, shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have contravened that provision, rule, direction or order, as the case may be.